All you Need to Know About Swimming Pool Safety Certification in Australia

Any property that has a swimming pool, either above or in-ground, must have the pool certified as being safe. Since 2016, the NSW government made it law that every property sold must have a pool compliant or non-compliant certificate, and in the case of selling a property that has a non-compliance certificate, the new owner has a period of 90 days to ensure that the pool can be inspected and certified as safe. These amendments are designed to prevent children from drowning and the safety measures focus on the pool barriers and preventing unauthorised access by children.

Pre-Inspection Measures

Prior to booking, if you are looking for pool compliance in Sydney, you should first make sure that your pool complies with the following conditions:

  • CPR Sign – There must be a CPR sign clearly visible that can be read from any location within the pool area. The sign would have diagrams and text to instruct on how to carry out resuscitation.
  • Pool Fencing & Gating – The pool fencing must be of a minimum height to the size and depth of the pool. The pool gate must open outwardly and it must also have a self-closing mechanism and should never be propped open. The locking mechanism must be at least 1500mm from the ground to prevent children opening it. There must not be any gaps in the fencing over 100mm, which includes the gap between the ground and the bottom of the fencing.
  • Nearby Objects – There should not be any objects within 1200mm of the fencing, which includes furniture and vegetation, or anything that a child could use to help them climb over the pool fencing. You should walk around the perimeter looking for anything that could aid a child to climb over the fencing, and if there is, it should be relocated.
  • Inside the Pool Area – The only items that should be inside the pool area are fixed slides and fixed shading, plus any pool filtration equipment. Outdoor furniture, BBQs and other items should be located outside the pool area.

An online search can help you to locate a local pool certification provider and they would be able to help you prepare the area for the inspection, which would be carried out on a date and time that is convenient for you. Once your pool has been certified, you have 3 years before you need to have it inspected again, and this will ensure that every precaution is taken to prevent child drownings. Even properties with no children can be a target for a local kid that wants a sneak swim in the evening, so regardless of your domestic situation, pool safety compliance is essential.

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